Sunday, April 27, 2014

Andrei's Loyalty (Space Pirates deleted scene)

The Truth Behind Andrei's Loyalty

~ possible mild spoilers for "Transact" ~

Damn that Nevara. She knew Andrei'd just gotten back from one of the trickiest assassinations he'd ever had to deal with. And yet the moment he stepped back on board --

Another shock of pleasure spasmed through him. Andrei groaned. Sat down, hunched over, his fingers digging into his thighs.

Not that it helped.

He reached for the clasp of his pants, even though he knew he'd get punished for it. He'd take whatever Nevara came up with over this suffering, though. He just couldn't take it anymore. Did she have any idea how long it'd been since he --

Of course she did. That was the point, wasn't it?

He forced his hands away, gripped the arms of the chair instead, reminding himself that there was a lot more at stake here than his pride.

If his boss were to ever find out the extent of control Nevara held over him -- what a freak he actually was --

He'd never gotten caught before, never been discovered. Never had the chance to, really, before meeting Nevara, and anyway it wasn't like he would have much cared about being fired by his previous employers, most of whom had taken one look at him and thought he was some kind of manufactured idiot, all enhanced brawn and no brains. Well, probably better to call them clients rather than employers, all things considered. Most of them had ended up dead sooner or later, when they wouldn't pay up.

This gig was pretty nice, though. Tough work, but he enjoyed it. Andrei'd been hoping to stay on, at least a little while, if only because of her...

Damn that woman.

He'd just gotten back. It was probably safe. His boss wouldn't be expecting him to report in that quickly, would he? The job was done. The details could wait. After all, the boss was a busy man.

Yet another shock. This one longer, more intense. That bitch had to be monitoring him somehow. He'd have to find out how she was doing it --


Andrei shoved his pants down with a low, helpless moan, bucking his hips into thin air, no longer thinking, only reacting --

Just as the door slid open, revealing none other than his boss, with a cigar clenched between his teeth and a look of extreme boredom on his face.

His boss took in the scene before him with a single dispassionate glance, expression utterly unchanging. Not even the slightest flash of surprise or disgust crossed his gaze.

Instead, he took another puff on his cigar before speaking.

"How much longer do you need?"

"Uhh -- umm... I... Ungh!"

"I'll be back in an octan," said the boss, already turning back into the corridor.

And in that moment, Andrei knew.

He would follow that man anywhere. For the rest of his life. Without question.

... If he managed to survive this.

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