Sunday, November 2, 2014


1. I have decided to take "The Necromancer's Vengeance" out of Kindle Select. The story should be propagating to various other vendors soon -- check this post for updated links as they go live.

2. I still have some deleted Space Pirates scenes floating around in my files -- probably two of them will be posted up in the next few weeks. (If you haven't been reading the deleted scenes, check this tag! Some of them are very silly; the two that'll be posted this month are more serious, but were cut because they didn't fit the flow of the story.)

3. Those of you who've been watching this space for a while may have noticed certain series hanging around up in my menu bar without showing any signs of appearing any time soon. All I'll say is Wolves is currently very low on my priority list, and the first Tyrant novella should show up before the end of the year -- but I'm not on a fixed publishing schedule, so anything can happen.


Thank you all for reading, by the way. I appreciate each and every one of my readers. I haven't said much here, but the past few months have been great fun. :)