Series: NeoTants
Genre: Mecha/soft sci-fi
Word count: ~5000
Themes: D/s with light humiliation, voyeurism
Buy: Amazon*,
Google Play, Smashwords
* this series will remain exclusive to Amazon until 2015
Summary: Ace pilot Kuvanna Ilas has a problem. None of the human batteries she's ever worked with has been able to unlock the full potential of her personalized mech. Fortunately, her skill in the 'pit more than makes up for any resulting deficiencies, but considering how hard she's struggled to get to where she is, this final insurmountable shortcoming frustrates her beyond all rationality -- in more ways than one.
Only when she stumbles upon a fellow pilot engaged in off-duty activities with a very inappropriate partner does she begin at last to realize just what she's been missing...
Excerpt (250 words):